Step 1.
Create a file called print.css
There are a number of styles you can add, but the basic style of print.css is this:
[css]/* Print Style Sheet */
@media print {
body { background:white; color:black; margin:0 }
Step 2.
Upload this newly created file to your Genesis child theme directory via FTP or cpanel
Step 3.
Add the call to this new stylesheet in your child theme functions.php
[php]add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘child_print_style’ );
*Print Style Sheet
function child_print_style() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘child_print_style’, $src = CHILD_URL . ‘/print.css’, ‘false’, ‘1.0.0’, ‘print’ );
Step 4.
Next we can add a link and print popup to single posts by creating a new php file. This file will be called print.php and should be added to your child theme directory. Place the following content in the file;
Step 5.
Now you will need to show this in your single post template so also add this to your child theme functions.php
do not add this to functions without first creating and uploading print.php or you may experience errors or white screen on your site.
// Add Print Button after single post
add_action( ‘genesis_after_post_content’, ‘child_include_print’, 9 );
function child_include_print() {
if( is_single() )
require( CHILD_DIR.’/print.php’ );
Step 6.
If you would like to change the font, font size, background or float of your print button add this to your child theme’s style.css file and style as desired.
[css].print {
That’s it!