I have to admit I was a bit flummoxed by the new Gutenberg editor. I’ve been using WordPress for many, many years what’s this new fangled unnecessary change? Get it off my lawn!
Turns out I really like it… I mean I really really like it.
Is there a wee bit of a learning curve? Sure. Not a steep one though. Pretty soon ordinary posting seems so – well ordinary.
As Gutenberg grows more blocks are becoming available. Atomic Blocks is a must have. They have created some stellar block choices and if you are feeling adventurous, they even have a block based theme available on WordPress.org themes.
Want some sharing buttons? Done!
How about an accordion box?
Accordion Box
cool eh?
How about a block with text over image? Yep that too!
These are just a couple of the many blocks available to make your posting and theme set up easier.
So don’t worry jump right in and let’s make being a blockhead a good thing!
Owner Fat Cat Designs
I am a freelancer in the Hamilton, Ont. area. I have been working with WordPress since 2004. First developing for myself and eventually for others. I discovered I have a love for code especially CSS. I am a strong supporter of social justice and human rights and enjoy working on blogs that reflect those values.