Turns out I really like it… I mean I really really like it. Is there a wee bit of a learning curve? Sure. Not a steep one though. Pretty soon ordinary posting seems so – well ordinary. As Gutenberg grows more blocks are becoming available. Atomic Blocks is a must have. They have created some […]
A Guide To Using Padding and Margins
Both padding and margins are used to create space. Padding creates space within the element and margins create space between elements. this is an example of an element without padding As you can see the text is cramped and is hard to read. Let’s see the same box with padding applied to the sides, top […]
How To Add A Print Stylesheet & Button To Genesis
Step 1. Create a file called print.css There are a number of styles you can add, but the basic style of print.css is this: Step 2. Upload this newly created file to your Genesis child theme directory via FTP or cpanel Step 3. Add the call to this new stylesheet in your child theme functions.php […]